
Faster software development

Atos is the world leader in digital transformation. This French company, created in 1997, is one of the 10 largest digital services providers in the world, with an annual turnover of nearly 13 billion euros in 2017 and approximately 120,000 employees in 73 countries. 

Digital Transformation

Cloud Backend , Cloud CMS, Cloud VM

Atos team of developers work every day on Cloud backend & CMS to produce web applications.


The major problem for Atos is that each business unit works with their own tools and solutions, which makes teamwork very complex. In addition, it often happens that the solutions developed by internal teams take a long time to be implemented on each project. And they are also very expensive!



Using cloud backend, Atos can process data, automate processes and then push these data to different services such as Sharepoint, Servicenow, SQL,... in a very short time. 


Atos development teams are now much more responsive when asked to make changes to projects. Processes are shortened.

"The productivity of our teams get boosted insanely since AppDrag solutions were deployed"

- Javier Ponce Suarez, Digital Transformation Leader, Atos New York

Let's discuss about your project